A list of Charities that I believe will do great work with any donations given!

Empathy, this is something I struggled with for a long time as a person with Autism. How I viewed my own life, the community around me, and the world stage has morphed and grown as I have gotten older.
I've recently come to a singular conclusion that works best for me, everybody struggles in some way, and due to social, economic, political and many other factors, some people may be struggling more or less than others.
That doesn't devalue our own struggles, recognizing that someone else may be dealing with more won't make our struggle non-important. I think its important to help those others that may need help when you are able.
(I also believe that you shouldn't want somebody else to suffer simply because you yourself suffered through it, but that's a whole other issue)
-Canadian Red Cross
This seems like a self explanatory one, but the Canadian Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides support to people who need it most. They operate both within Canada and around the world!
You can donate to them here: https://www.redcross.ca/donate/appeal/donate-to-the-canadian-red-cross-fund#a0650cb6-ce29-4c40-b663-e749a0a9163f
-Autism Canada
They are the leading Autism advocacy group that both look at Autism support on a national platform, and also seem to actually listen to the input from people with Autism. On their website you can easily access their ASD Advisory committee.
You can donate to them here: https://autismcanada.org/donate/
-Habitat for Humanity
Working together with volunteers and homeowners, this charity helps low income people and families access affordable housing and shelter. They do this by setting the mortgage depending on household income.
You can donate to them here: https://support.habitat.ca/site/Donation2?5964.donation=form1&df_id=5964&mfc_pref=T&_ga=2.20884859.270851619.1575915845-824860371.1575915845
-Food Bank Canada If you've been to the supermarket you've probably seen some kind of donation bin for the Canadian Food Bank. You can find your local Food Bank and bring non-perishable food items, which as you can imagine is especially in demand around the Holidays.
For monetary donation, go here: https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/Make-A-Donation.aspx
-Canadian Feed the Children
Another food related charity, this one focuses more on making sure children in all Canadian Communities are fed. In addition, they also have humanitarian efforts in other countries, helping other communities not only feed the children, but support their long term self-sustaining growth.
You can donate to them here: https://donate.canadianfeedthechildren.ca/single.php?_ga=2.230446428.1570841351.1575916535-747447338.1575916535
-Children's Aid Foundation of Canada
This one is a larger reaching charity. They provide loads of support for children and youth in the Child Welfare System. Some services they provide are Educational and Employment supports, Financial Literacy Online Training, a Telus Mobility for Good Program, and Mental Health Support.
-Casey House
Canada's first and only HIV/AIDS dedicated hospital. They are focused on actually treating people with HIV/AIDS with respect and humanity, care without question. The Casey House was also visited by Princess Diana? Which is super cool.
You can donate here: https://www.caseyhouse.com/support-us/one-time-monthly-donation/
-LGBT YouthLine
They are a youth support line that helps Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and 2 Spirit with safe, non-judgmental information. They not only provide an Ontario-wide phone service, but also an online live chat, and text support!
You can donate to them here: https://www.youthline.ca/support-us/how-to-donate/
Anyway, these are just some charities that I know of, there are thousands of ways to get involved and give back this holiday. Remember, we're all just trying to survive and thrive.
Anyway, Have a fantastic day!